The concept of Fire design is unique in Europe. Fire design offers you a large choice of design; fire extinguishers in a broad range of colours and patterns, a customised product to satisfy all tastes.
Fire design extinguishers have 2 extinguishing agents– foam and dry powder - They can be used to extinguish outbreaks of fire, such as :
. Wood, paper, cardboard, cloth
. Electricity-induced fires
. Flammable liquids and plastics
. Gas fires
A registration number and EC approval engraved on the extinguisher's pressure vessel make your extinguisher unique. The extinguisher's controlling gauge enables you to see at a glance if the extinguisher is in good working order. The date-bearing seal of the extinguisher's pin provides a 5-year guarantee against any manufacturing fault. The guarantee certificate shows the registration number of your extinguisher and the year it was placed on the market.