Founded in 1985, DANE-ELEC MEMORY is a world player and one of the European leader in the manufacture and distribution of memory modules and boards for computing, telecommunications and digital appliances.
Discover their latest innovation on their global site but also on this mini site dedicated to this innovation which recieves our "Best IT innovation" award.
Network in Your Pocket
myDitto Key enables consumers to access their myDitto Servers remotely, through an easy-to-use, lightweight USB key. The product is plug ‘n play with no software installation required, and thus a perfect fit for even the most extreme technophobes!
How it Works
Easy Enough for a Novice
Step 1: At home, connect Dane-Elec’s plug ‘n play myDitto Server to the router.
With no software to install or router to configure, you are ready to go!
Step 2: Back up your personal assets: plug your myDitto Key into any computer and copy all your digital files to the myDitto Server.
Step 3: Whether on vacation or across town, remote users simply insert their myDitto Key into a laptop or PC and -- through a direct peer-to-peer connection -- safely access any file from their home server. Through a software application, smart phone users, such as iPhone® enthusiasts, can also enjoy myDitto.